
Monday, November 5, 2012


Some days, the best thing you can give yourself is a little grace. If I truly grasp the grace that Christ has given to me, wouldn’t one think I should extend it to myself as well? Who am I to decide if I receive grace or not? Maybe part of being Christ-like is accepting the grace He so generously gave me and owning it. Sometimes, I am just much too hard on myself.

Today, it is ok that I haven’t unpacked our bag from our weekend away quite yet. It was better that I invest in a friendship.

It is ok that my apartment isn’t as complete as I had hoped it would be by this time. My home is a happy home whether or not there is a rug on the floor or curtains around the windows.

It is ok that my quiet time doesn’t look the same every day. He is not looking for a check mark off my to-do list, but a submission of my will and heart to His love, and a desire to know Him deeper.

It is ok if every once in a while I walk out of the house looking like a hot mess. I have a Father in heaven and a husband on earth who love me regardless.

It is ok that we are not homeowners, that we do not have children yet, that we don’t even really know what’s for dinner tonight. We aren’t competing with anyone.

It is ok that I can run 20 miles a week on limited calories and still find a way to gain a few pounds. Thank you, Lord for muscular legs, a healthy body and mindset, and strength to do it all.

It is ok that most days my dog is my best friend. God is slowly growing us in community and has a plan in mind for my future, but for now he has me at home, just me and my Zooey girl and my computer.

It is ok that I can’t remember if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty. All of the time away from the apartment has been spent in memories made with my family and friends.

It is ok that I do not have it all figured out at age 23. I am 23. There is grace in that.

It is ok if I do not know what it is I truly want to pursue in career quite yet. What matters is that I do have a job, I give it my all, and I learn patience in the process. I learn that patience is passion tamed.

There is grace enough for my hopes. There is grace enough for my fears. There is grace enough for my inadequacies and shortcomings and rough spots. There is grace enough for my discontentment at times, my perfectionism, for the brutal expectations I place on myself. There is grace enough.

He is full of grace. He is enough. He is bigger than the pressure I put on myself to live outside of His grace.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Still Dreaming

Several people have asked me recently why I don't blog anymore. I wasn't even aware that I stopped. I was simply living life, and living it to the fullest.

So much has happened in this new season of life. Since January 7th, I believe I've begun my season of harvest. Five plus years of dating the man of my dreams, waiting patiently on that dream to come to fulfillment, taught me so much about who I am, what I want, why God created marriage, and so much more. Now I get to discover it all firsthand, the becoming one, the marriage of our lives- emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially. It's more than a ring and a kiss; it's life together forever, for better or for worse.

I have experienced very minimally of any such "worst," and I find that to be a very encouraging fact considering we are just over 6 months in to this thing. It has been full of harvest- of reaping the benefits of waiting on each other, of securing deep and meaningful friendships both together and separate, of waiting on the Lord's perfect plan for our careers and destination. In these 6 months, we've honeymooned, we've found a home back in the DFW, Clayton has a God-ordained job working for an aerospace engineering company in Ft. Worth, I'm working from home for C.C. Creations, we've adopted the sweetest little puppy, we've explored this wonderful metroplex, we've started decorating and building our dream apartment.

When people ask me what has been the hardest thing about marriage, I just have the hardest time answering that question right now. Hard? I'm not naive to believe that I'll never experience rough patches, pain, disappointment, frustration, or sadness. No, that much is promised. But right now, to find any flaw in what God has beautifully gifted us in this time would be a direct insult to the goodness He has lavished on us, so undeservingly.

What is hard in marriage has nothing to do with marriage in and of itself; it has to do with me, and it has to do with Clayton. I don't struggle with marriage, I struggle with my own selfishness, laziness, and unloving heart. And vice versa. Just about every problem that could ever come up in a committed relationship such as marriage has to do with my own sinful heart, my selfish attitudes and my personal desires. Marriage isn't broken, people are. Teaching ourselves this now, as we bask in our honeymoon phase bliss, is vital as we know that the harvest doesn't last forever here on earth.

Beyond the glowing newness of it all, there's still plenty of learning and growing going on. While I am very much a dreamer, planner, and doer, I'm learning the secret of being content, and marrying that to the secret of pursuing dreams. It's a thin, hardly walked line of resting and doing, and it's a path I'm learning to re-route myself onto daily. It's telling myself, "Breathe, Raegan, you're not even 23. You are YOUNG, you have so much life to live." And in the same breath, "Dream while you're young, before the world gives you a million reasons why you can't. Don't ever stop asking, 'Why not?'"

I'm as old as I've ever been and as young as I'll ever be again right now. Right now is sweet. Right now is rich. Right now is full of endless possibilities. Right now I have as much as I'll ever need.

Monday, March 26, 2012


“Ugh, I don’t want to wear my sweaters. They’re ugly and boring and no fun at all.”

That sentence came out of my mouth this past Thursday as I was packing my suitcase for my final trip of travel season for my job. It’s been a mild year weather-wise as we’ve seen the likes of North Carolina, Atlanta, and an unseasonably warm Atlantic City. But this last show in Albany and New Hampshire is proving to put me to the test. Although they were sitting pretty in the mid-seventies last week, they are experiencing their last cold front of the season this week, with temperatures hovering in the mid-thirties during the day. Not what I consider “spring weather” as a born and raised Texan who spent this past Sunday pool side.

What made the weather forecast for this weekend so depressing was not the weather itself; it all stemmed from the fact that my heart was ready for change, spring was in its beginning, glorious stages here in Texas, and going back to winter was the least enticing thing to me. I actually love my winter wardrobe, but this happens every year towards the end of winter. I start to get cabin fever, I start craving warmer, longer days, brighter colors, tanner skin, and sunshine. Spring never comes a day too soon.

But a similar thing happens in August and September. The dog days of summer set in, and the last thing I want to do is jump in my lukewarm pool or wear sundresses and tank tops. I start craving crisper weather, tall boots and sweaters, hot chocolate, football games, and all things winter. Fall never comes a day too soon.

I could say the same thing for every season, really, and you probably could, too. It’s this innate desire for change that we can’t really explain. We probably all have a season we would call favorite, but if you’re like me, there’s something so wonderful and unique about each season that you have a hard time picking a favorite. The variety is what gives spice to our lives. Every season brings with it a unique activity or event than can only take place in that season.

The Lord shows us that change is good by giving us the most basic example- seasons.

And He gave us hearts that long for it, that wait for change with expectancy. He shows us that there is literally a season for everything, and for me personally, this basic principle helps my heart a lot in a “season of life” where change is the only thing that stays the same.

Our late teens and early twenties are a prime time in our lives to experience rapid-paced changes that range in importance. From choosing a school to attend, to picking a major and a career path, to finding a spouse and getting married, to moving on to the next step in the unknown, the first 5-10 years out from under our parents’ roof shape a lot of who we are.

I’ve seen a lot of change in my life in the past 5 years. I chose to attend Texas A&M and study communication. I chose girls to live with, organizations in which to be a part of and lead, a godly man to continue dating. I chose my first job, and when that one didn’t work out after 2 months, I chose a second. I said yes to the man of my dreams and married him in January. We chose an apartment to live in, and now, we are making the next “big decision” of our lives together, and that’s where Clayton will be taking a job and thus where we will be moving after May.

College Station has been SO wonderful, it provided the most rewarding, life-changing and life-giving college experience I could have ever asked for. I met the most amazing people who sharpened me, loved me through my successes and failures, and gave me belly-aching laughs through my years of living with them. Even in these past 2 years of living in this small town post college life, I’ve learned a lot about myself, my faith, my strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, about the God I love and serve. But since I’ve gotten married and we are making plans and prayerfully considering where God has us next, I find myself yearning for change, ready for life’s next adventure. The same excitement and slight fear that overcame me when I was leaving Grapevine to live on my own for the first time in College Station has started to invade my senses as we determine where in the world we are heading next. And I’m learning that that feeling is God-ordained- it’s His gentle urging, with a dose of peace, that helps us leave our good, comfortable situations for what He has in store for us; not necessarily a “better” place altogether, but the “best” place for the season we are at in life. At some point, you outgrow the plan God had for you for that season, and while it takes courage and faith to move on, He promises that His best is always in store.

I’m learning what His best is- that it doesn’t always mean my comfort or my perceived happiness, that it might not include what my plan looks like, that it will most likely have many challenges along the way, but that it will most certainly include His hand of blessing. To find and receive that blessing, I have to constantly and daily attune my mind to the mind of Christ, so that I can perceive His thoughts and know His character and be able to look for and find Him in the midst of what I think of as cloudy plans at best.

All of this to segue into my point in this post…I’m excited, more than anything, to enter into this next season of life. It’s so fulfilling to be able to follow the lead of my husband, to encourage him as he pursues a career in biomedical engineering, a field the Lord has divinely laid on His heart and gifted him in, a path He feels clear direction in at this point in time. It’s so exciting to see him enjoy the job interviews he’s been blessed with and to listen as he passionately describes the roles he’s applied for, to get to sit back in amazement at how particularly God gifts us with different passions and talents that all serve different needs in His kingdom. It’s truly exciting, and I’m blessed to be married to a man who fearlessly pursues his dreams.

On the other hand, there’s a part of me that feels a little like I did as I was packing my suitcase the other night. Spring is dawning and there’s excitement and the fresh scent of coming newness in the air, and it’s taking everything in me not to whip out my minty blue shorts and neon-accented sandals. But reality slapped me in the face and made me pull out the winter wardrobe again. To break down the code speak for you- while my heart is ready for the next chapter, there’s a part of my life that I sort of skipped over in between graduation and marriage, and that’s the part where I needed to discover what passions the Lord gave ME, where MY place is in His kingdom, and how I can break through the monotony of my life to bring glory to His name and kingdom by awakening the hidden desires of my heart in service to him, desires that will make me come alive. Serving and honoring Clayton as his wife is certainly at the top of my priority list and absolutely gives me joy and satisfaction as I know that my role in this marriage is a picture of His church. I find so much worth in that. But I know that marriage is all about two people with different passions for the Lord coming together, and in their union, magnifying the name of the Lord together as their lives interweaved better serve the body than they would alone.

So, my last post was about how I wanted my blog to have a clearer identity, and I’ve thought long and hard about it. As silly as it sounds since I know only a few people actually read it, I’ve prayed about this little thing, because as I’ve told you before, part of my heart is connected to it because I’ve lain my heart bare here before through my passion for words and writing. Here’s what I want it to be:

I want this blog to be an outlet to let my thoughts flow more freely. I teach myself about myself by writing, because I write to think instead of think to write. It’s how I’m wired.

I want this blog to be a source of continued inspiration for me, something that challenges my right-brained self to think and create.

I want this blog to help awaken passions in me that I’ve felt, but never allowed myself to explore out of fear.

I DON’T want this blog to be about “finding my purpose.” That’s silly; I absolutely know my purpose and my identity. It’s locked up in Christ. I just want this to be a working-through of the intricate ways he created me, and to give glory to His name by exploring the depths of what He put in me.

I DON’T want this blog to put me in a box, and if I ever feel restrained by myself, then its lost its purpose. The blog is an outlet, not a purpose. Christ is my purpose, the blog only helps to illuminate to myself the unique ways in which He made me.

All that to say- I have a rough plan. Through some brainstorming with some friends, co-workers, and that sweet husband of mine, I think I’ve decided what I want to do with it. The title will be “Living Outside the Box: Life Beyond the Cubicle,” and the contents will follow a rough outline I’ve not yet finalized with topics each day that encapsulate the many things I love but only pursue recreationally. I’ve heard it said, “The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing the rest of your life.” I procrastinate consistently in the same ways; it’s starting to be a pattern. So I want this blog to be a collaboration of all the things I love and pursue beyond the 8-5 that make up the passions of my life that I keep to myself.

One thing I want to make clear- I am completely, 100% content with my day job and am learning daily more about why God has me here and what His plans are through my being at C.C. Creations. This is not a blog about finding a new job, rather, a blog about living the life I live beyond my job to the fullest, and glorifying my God and loving people well.

In the next month, Clayton and I have a sturdy list of what I’m calling our “April Resolutions,” a list of ways we want to better our life and our discipline since we kind of lost our New Years to a wedding and getting settled. Once I have my feet squarely on the ground for a long period of time starting April 1, we plan on tackling that list, and one of those things will be this blog. I plan on working on the graphics and making this blog something to be proud of, something I get excited to publish on a daily basis. Some of the topics you can expect to be covered on the blog in the near future:

-          Who/what/when/where inspires me

-          Fashion and style

-          Adventures in marriage

-          Our journey in becoming healthier

-          Ways the Lord is teaching and challenging me

-          Fun new reads, TV shows, recipes, etc. that add spice to life

-          Life abundant

I in NO way will ever claim to be an expert in any of these categories, in fact I have more reservations and fears about these topics than I do any sense of expertise, but when I started to analyze the things I spend the most time on in my free time, I realized I could chalk up so many hours to these topics.

I’m excited for this adventure into how the Lord created me uniquely for myself, and I appreciate anyone and everyone who ever cares to follow along. I don’t expect it; I want this for myself first and foremost, and I hope in opening myself up in my joy of writing that more of HIM shines through. In that, the pursuit of Christ Himself, I know that I can’t go wrong.

Also- thanks to all of you who have had our marriage and our very near future in your prayers. They are coveted and so appreciated!

Here’s to April and a new journey!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Identity Crisis

So, I'm going through a bit of a blog identity crisis. I LOVE to write, I wish I did it more, but the problem is, there are plenty of times I'm ready to sit down and write something and just don't have anything to say, hence the AWOL periods in between posts.

I'd really like for my blog to have a singular direction, a structure that would make posting daily an easy and fun part of my day. I'm not sure what that direction is, but here are some guidelines I'd like to stick to (very general) as far as purpose for my blog goes.

- I want it to in a sense be a document of my daily life- the good, the bad, and the in between. Not so much a boring recount of the day's activities, but something that creatively lends itself to memories made. 
- I want it to be more interactive. I have fallen in love with the blogging community, particularly through style blogs. I love the way they lend themselves to conversation and thought-creation. I want my blog to serve a similar purpose.
- I want it to have an overall "theme." I am no expert at one particular craft, but I think I can give my blog some kind of overall structure that will help readers get an idea of the blog's purpose. See and for blogs with high readership that creatively portray their points of view and life without focusing on a particular expertise as many blogs do.
- I want to completely overhaul the blog, give it a facelift, and make it something fun for me to do everyday, and be proud of! I love writing, I love sharing, and I desperately need a creative outlet to let it all out. I've so enjoyed sharing my thoughts in writing as they come, but I want this to become part of my daily life.

Just some thoughts I'm putting out there on the table. I'm really looking for some input from you! What ideas could you pass my way in terms of what you'd like to see on a daily blog? I'm open to anything and needing some creative brainstorming to get started!

Thanks for your help :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Today Was a Fairy Tale

So if you didn’t notice, I kind of fell off the face of the planet in the blogging world sometime around October last year. You can probably guess why- work got complicated and I started working later hours, oh, and there was this wedding that had to be planned and showers to be attended and thank you notes to write. Basically, life got CRAZY- crazier than it’s ever been, but let me tell you, life has never, ever been so sweet.
Now that I am nearly a month out from my wedding (WHAT?!) I find myself randomly daydreaming about that ridiculously magical day and missing all the craziness that surrounded it. Did I love my Saturday spent in sweatpants on the couch until 5pm this weekend? Of course! But there was definitely a part of me that missed being in Dallas for a frantic weekend of cake tasting, invitation mailing, and bachelorette partying. It’s that after Christmas letdown feeling, except the ultimate kind.
Everything about January 7th was a dream come true, but it all went by so quickly I sometimes have a hard time picking apart the day and everything that happened. To avoid losing the feeling of that day in the memory banks of my mind, I spent the entire 50-minute massage Clayton and I enjoyed in Punta Cana to relax and cement every emotion and fiber of that day into my memory forever. And as to further cement that memory, in classic Raegan style, I had to put it to words.
Waking up that morning was pretty surreal. I didn’t have a hard time falling asleep like many suggested I would (I’m gonna credit that one to a late night Bachelorette party the night before that left me sleep deprived), but I did wake up at 8am ready to go for the day. I eagerly went to the kitchen where I could already hear the clamor of the day’s activities beginning with my incredible mother preparing breakfast for my bridesmaids and house party. Her dedication to making that day the best day of my life never ceases to amaze me. She’s the best mom ever.
As we shared a few sweet moments sipping coffee, sitting in quiet awe that the day we had been eagerly planning for 8 months, was actually here, I tried my hardest to soak in that feeling, that sweet one-on-one time with my mother before the day got hectic. Well, it didn’t take but about 5 more minutes for that to happen. The electricity went out in the house- funny in retrospect. But in that moment, it wasn’t the funniest thing to my mother who had the electricity company on the phone in a matter of seconds (or with my father, really). Our bridal party breakfast plans had to abruptly change, so we packed up the girls in their pj’s and headed to my aunt and uncle’s house for breakfast.  They were amazingly gracious last-second hosts, and within the next two hours, the electricity was back on and the day’s plans hadn’t been too seriously derailed.
As I sat getting my nails done next to one of my most precious long-time friends, Haley Diorio, catching up on life and reminiscing about how we got to this point, I couldn’t stop thinking about how real the moment was. I was actually getting my nails done for my wedding, and I was getting to spend that moment with her. High school Raegan dreamed of that moment long ago. Dreams come true, even down to small details.
Nails done, I hopped in the car to head home and pack for my honeymoon. Surreal moment number-I’ve-lost-count-by-now. In my high school bedroom, surrounded with friends both old and new, I packed for the vacation of a lifetime, one that I had discussed years before in that very bedroom with many of those very girls, only in giggly tones and dreamy anticipation. It was here, and in less than 24 hours, I’d board the plane with the man of my dreams, my husband, at my side. I could barely focus on putting together outfits, something I’d semi-regret once I actually made it to the hotel. Didn’t matter in that moment- I was a little lost in thought to be accessorizing.
Spending too much time packing made me late for my makeup appointment, but nothing was going to get me down at that point. We headed to the mall where I’d already pre-tested my makeup with an artist at Estee Lauder, and I was so thrilled to be getting exactly what I wanted. To my absolute horror, she had not honored her appointment with me and was not at work that day at all. Side note- who in their right mind schedules an appointment for a girl’s WEDDING DAY on a day she isn’t working? Isn’t that something you know- whether you’re working in the next three days? Wouldn’t you be more diligent to really double check when you know that a girl is trusting you with the biggest day of her life? Guess not. Back to the story. Even though I had sworn that nothing could get me down, for some reason, that one did. I started crying. No, weeping, and it wasn’t pretty. I wasn’t proud of that moment, but my emotions got the best of me. I sucked it up and let a complete stranger with whom I had no idea of what her makeup talents consisted of, do my makeup for my wedding day.
Well, turns out she was absolutely paralyzed at the sight of my tears and the significance of this job, and she turned into the world’s biggest perfectionist, taking over an hour to get my makeup finished, starting over every now and then if it wasn’t what she thought was right. Unfortunately, everything she thought was right was everything I thought was wrong, and Allie and I left the mall with me choking back more tears, trying not to mess up the mess that was already on my face. I made it to the church, an hour later than I had planned, but I had dear friends who saved the day. I’d never felt more like a celebrity than I did in that moment with both Holland sisters fixing me up- Caitlin mending the makeup, Grayson with curling iron in hand. They saved the day and made me feel like a bride.
Unfortunately, the dressing room is mostly a blur. Those 3 hours between arriving and the ceremony really feel like 30 minutes in my mind. I’m sure my bridesmaids would disagree, but it’s true, to the bride, it is the best and fastest day of her life. Significant moments and feelings I can still put a finger on- reading my sweet husband-to-be’s letter to me, full of the most encouraging and life-giving words he could have said. My mother helping me into my wedding gown, getting that testy zipper up on the first try. Feeling like a true bride, bouquet in hand, pinning on my “antique” something blue from my mother, slipping on my Aggie garter and rose-colored shoes, staring in unbelieving bliss at my best girlfriends who fed me the most adoring smiles and sweet, encouraging words. Eating Chick-fil-a nuggets and crackers with cheese and little cookies with “M’s” on them that Meghan made. Wondering what my groom was doing at that moment, what he was feeling, getting butterflies about the coming moment when I would get to see him in private for our first look. The feeling that nothing in the world could wipe that smile off my face or that feeling out of my heart- that feeling that this was one of those rare moments in life that defines you, that changes you, that has earthly and eternal significance, that what was about to happen before God and man was a promise for life that I couldn’t wait to make.
“It’s time.” My incredibly patient and helpful photographer pulls me outside to meet my groom. I peer through the window from the hallway by the bride’s room and see his back. He even looks handsome from behind in his charcoal grey suit. It’s a somewhat dreary day outside, but just because God is good, the sun is peeking out from behind the clouds for those few moments I have with him. My stomach is filled with butterflies as I slowly begin to approach him. I wonder what is going on in his heart as I know he can hear the click-clack of my heels on the concrete as I make my way towards him. I finally make it to him and hug him from behind, just soaking in that moment, whispering words I can’t remember to him. He can’t take it anymore and he turns around, and I’ll never forget that look on his face. I held back tears as he asked me to twirl around so he could see every part of my dress. I felt beautiful and radiant, and most importantly, I felt like I was about to be his, and having his approval and admiration in that moment was everything my heart had been longing for all day.
I wish I could remember all that was said. Doubt that will happen anytime soon. It’s one of those moments that just becomes a feeling over time- and I’m talking over about 10 minutes’ time. I remember my mom and the girls asking me what was said, and I couldn’t even remember in that dressing room. It was perfect though- I’m so glad we chose to do a first look, to have that private moment, to just lovingly adore each other through gazes and sweet nothings. I don’t know that we’ve ever connected so deeply on an emotional level- I know we were both feeling the unexplainable feeling of great anticipation, knowing we were looking into forever in each other’s eyes, knowing in just mere moments we would make a covenant of marriage together that would bind us together as one flesh. We both shared that very spiritual connection in which God was holding us very closely and speaking His promises over us, once again showing His faithfulness, reminding us of the journey we’d been on- joyous, painful, long, strengthening- and showing us the finish line of this mini-race in life. God finally opened the curtain to show us just a glimpse of why we’d walked that path for 5 years- completion of that journey ended in a few hours.
Just like that, the moment was over, we gathered up our attendants, and the joyful, boisterous wedding party took pictures together. Our dear friends- turned- family gathered around us, and really the whole weekend with them, we had never felt so FULL. Time with them filled our cups to overflowing. Their friendship was one of the things we could not stop talking about well into our honeymoon, even now. They MADE that wedding for us, along with our family members who sacrificed their time, energy, and resources over the last 8 months to give us a fairy tale day. I still cannot get over how blessed we are- they are the best friends in the world. I’m not kidding.
We waited those final minutes in the dressing room. People were arriving, I knew. I sat back and thought about how beautiful the girls looked in their ice blue dresses, how perfectly the flowers matched, how stunning the church looked all decked out in everything I had pictured, how dapper the men looked, how joyous a wedding day this had been so far. I spent a few moments just trying as hard as I could to mentally take pictures of the day, to store all these emotions up in my heart to treasure forever. The girls gathered around and prayed over me in words I couldn’t understand, and the Spirit hovered in that moment and brought me the most calming peace I’d ever felt. I was ready to walk down that aisle in just a few moments because nothing had ever been more right.
When I arrived in the sanctuary and met my father at the door, it hit me- this was happening NOW, no more waiting. I saw my bridesmaids disappear one by one through the big, white double-doors, down the aisle. I held fast to my father’s arm and breathed in deeply, full of unexplained calm and joy. No tears threatened to spill down my face. I was about to get to see my groom. I was about to take that walk down the aisle, the one that I’d rehearsed in my mind thousands of times since I was a little girl. Talk about surreal. My father and I finally reached the double doors, and I could hear the music building up into “Here Comes the Bride.” Goosebumps all over, but no tears like I feared. Just a smile I couldn’t wipe off if I tried. Walking down the aisle felt…heavenly. Not just because it was one of the most surreal, perfect moments I’d ever felt, but quite literally, this felt like something that God had planned, something that’s significance echoed into eternity, something that mirrored God’s great love for us, something that reverberated throughout creation screaming, “Don’t you see me, beloved? I’ve longed for you like a groom longingly awaits his precious bride. I’m waiting here at the altar to take you and love you and be with you forever. PLEASE walk down this aisle to me, I love you unconditionally!” No, I didn’t hear all those words in my head in that moment, but my soul felt the moment’s worth in a way that words will never explain.
Many brides say they can barely remember the ceremony. If there was any part of the day I did not want to lose, it was the ceremony. I forced myself to hear every word, to feel every moment, to soak in the sights and sounds and significance. Worship was powerful. The words spoken over us were challenging. My sweet groom sweated his whole way through it, but he still looked handsome J We took communion to the sweet sound of two of our very best friends (who we know will join us in married life so soon!) singing “Holy Ground.” That was the only moment that threatened tears out of me. Powerful, and true. The covenant we were making was holy, we were joining ourselves to each other and to the Lord. Holy moment is absolutely right on.
We lit the unity candle (all three, actually, somehow the family candles didn’t light- oh well!) and joined hands and placed rings on each other’s fingers. He kissed the bride and we took the happiest little walk out of that church. We were MARRIED and there was no better feeling in the world. We walked outside into the chilly January evening, he picked me up and spun me around, and we couldn’t get over the joy inside of us. Quickly after, we were met two-by-two by our wedding party, and the celebratory moment grew. The wait was over! It was time to celebrate into the night.
Pictures were taken inside the church with family and friends, and soon after, Clayton and I hopped into his truck as man and wife. I’m pretty sure we giggled and smiled from ear to ear all the way to the reception. I felt extremely bridal as I trudged my way through the parking garage, receiving plenty of smiles from strangers as I passed. We met up again with the wedding party in the lobby where more pictures ensued. In moments, the party I’d spent months planning was about to begin. It was time to thank and honor my guests.
The DJ called the wedding party in, and at the end, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Messinger were presented for the first time to the tune of “Everlasting Love.” The moment was classic and right. Our first dance was something I will never forget. Since I was young, I’d always wanted a man who would dance with me to the song “Feels Like Home,” and not just for the beauty of the song, but for the meaning behind it. I wanted a love that truly felt like home; no one could have fit that better than Mr. Messinger. We danced like 7th graders, swaying back and forth with no rhythm at all, but we didn’t care. We’re not dancers, and we didn’t want to pretend to be. Besides, if we were focused on dancing, we would have lost the sweet conversation in that moment; all eyes on us, but we wouldn’t have known there was another soul in the room.
The rest of the reception flew by faster than I wanted. I kept wanting to slow the clock down, trying to believe there was more time to enjoy my sweet friends and family. I danced with my father to “Isn’t She Lovely;” he wanted to twirl me the whole time, but he’s a better dancer than I am. I gave in on the last spin- glad I did. I watched Clayton while he danced with his mother while I sat by my own. She had the biggest smile on her face, and it lit up my whole evening to see her enjoying the fruits of her labor. We were so blessed with how well we were taken care of at the reception; I’m so glad she was able to relax and enjoy time with her family and friends.
We ate, we danced with friends, we visited with our guests. All the while, I felt like a fairy princess. The cake cutting came before I knew it. I barely remember tasting it! Garter toss and bouquet toss- our dating friends caught them both, of course. How precious and perfect. In the blink of an eye, the DJ was calling for the last song. It was a bittersweet moment- my wedding day had been everything I could have dreamed it would be, but it was coming to an end. I tried with all my might to soak in the final moments. Perfection.
The guests filed out and it was just Clayton and I in a room full of the remains of the biggest party we’d ever throw. The wedding captain came to get us and asked if we were ready to go. It had been a dream come true, and we were ready to leave now and start our life together. We got to the lobby where our guests waited to throw flower petals as we ran out to our car. We got all the way outside, where we found….nothing. That’s right, there was no truck in sight. Not even close to coming, actually. Clayton called up his groomsmen, and as luck would have it, they couldn’t find the truck. Looks like 5 plus years of waiting just wasn’t long enough J. We went back inside where we all shared some laughs at the night’s silly end. I was too overjoyed to be the least bit upset. In fact, I was thankful for one last chat with my best friends. Eventually, the truck came around. Everyone gathered up the flower petals, and we made a victory lap through the tunnel. Our wedding couldn’t have ended any other way.
And then we were off. And since then, we’ve been living happily ever after.
I couldn’t have written a better fairy tale ending.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why Does My Quiet Time Always Have to be Quiet?

So, I’ve been wondering lately why finding time to spend with God has been so difficult this semester. It hasn’t always been so challenging, I think, and as I sit and try to figure out what the culprit is and why I am missing that time when I’ve definitely been busier in my life before, it hit me.
I’m bored with my time with God.
I hated saying it, it felt dirty and sinful and wrong. I felt so unholy to admit that my quiet times have been lacking because I simply have not been finding the same enjoyment in them. But there’s definitely a reason for these feelings, and here’s what I know for sure, it’s definitely not a problem with God.
I think it all lies in the way I’ve been treating my time with Him- like it’s a chore, like it’s homework. I’m not in school anymore, and so really any mention of the word homework just conjures up bad memories for me. I take pride in the fact that when I am done with work for the day, I’m done. I’ve paid my dues and I am free to enjoy my night, my time. But the Word of God is not a chore, and it is vastly more important than homework.
Sometimes I put limits on how I spend my time with Him. I have been in the church since I was a child and I have it somewhere ingrained in me that quiet times don’t “count’ unless there is a time for prayer, a time for Bible reading, and a time for journaling. All good things, all things that help you grow. But putting limits on my time with God helps me justify not spending time with Him. if I feel that a quiet time is supposed to be a minimum of 30 minutes, and I don’t have 30 minutes in a day, then telling myself that because I can’t do it right, I shouldn’t do it at all, just puts God in a very small box.
Sometimes I’m too aware of myself. I’m fighting my own battles, planning my day, managing my feelings, completely unaware of His presence. He is daily fulfilling His promise to me to never leave my side, and yet I walk right past Him, ignore Him like a persistent child giving someone the silent treatment. He just wants to do life with me, and I shut Him out because Satan has me convinced some days that I can handle my own problems. I can take the little things, I’ll take my big things to God when the time comes.
Here’s the deal. If I treated my friends that way, I wouldn’t have many friends. Probably none. If I told my friends that if I couldn’t spend a “significant” amount of time together, then we shouldn’t hang out at all, I’d probably hurt some feelings. If I did the exact same thing with them every time, I think they’d get bored of me. I’d definitely be bored of them. What if I only talked to them about my troubles and never shared a laugh with them, never told them how thankful I was for them, never let them in on my joys and triumphs? I think they’d think I was using them. They would probably be right.
What if I treated my friends like they were a chore? What if I tried to squeeze my time in with them in between two places I had to be, rushed around with them, went through the motions? How could I expect intimacy from that?
Satan likes to lure us into thinking that our time with God isn’t as important in the “easy times.” He always has, and he always will. As long-time Christians, don’t happiness and success often coincide with apathy and negligence of God? It may not be intentional, but we just let it go unnoticed.
“Living life” with God isn’t a new concept to me. It isn’t life-changing information to realize that God wants our day, that He wants to live in us and through us in everything we do. Sure, the information isn’t new, but it has definitely been some time since I actively pursued Him in this way. Dare I say the last time I can honestly remember being in that place was in a time of need, in a time where my dependence on God was paramount for me to make it through the day? Sad as it is to admit that, it’s probably true. I have probably yet to experience the true fullness of living life with Him because I am quick to drop Him on the mountaintops. And I can think of no greater danger to the Christian life than separating God from His blessings. To look at God as only fixer and healer and to forget Him as blesser, sustainer, giver of joy and hope and life and love, is to separate Him from who He IS!
This is obviously not new information to any Christian, but it is probably one of many life-changing truths that we have head knowledge of but do not have life-changing proof of its truth. If there is anything in the Word of God that I want to be more true in my life, I want it to be that I am intimately close to the Creator. I don’t just want to study His word, although that is important and He commands us to do it. I want to live His Word, the most critical point of the Scripture! Not just in a moral sense, but in a passionate love affair with the God of the Universe.
The pillow talk I share with my roommates? I want my conversation with God to be that carefree and light-hearted. The cuddly moments I spend with my soon-to-be-husband? I want my intimacy with Him to feel like that physical comfort, that tender moment. The time I spend every morning on my run? Why can’t he join me?
Why can’t I sit down on the couch and watch a football game with Him? Why can’t we share breakfast together? Why can’t He come with me to my office, and when I’m lonely, why can’t I just chat with Him? I do all these things with my best friends, why can’t I do it with the One who loves me the most, who is literally with me 24/7? He’s never busy! What an incredible friend!
I know I can do all these things. But I find 50 million other distractions to fill up the space between me and my Father. I can’t explain why I do that more than you can, but I do know that there is no more important time than now to invite Christ into my actual living instead of just into my closet for 30 minutes before work. I cherish that time, but He gave me a full life to walk beside me in. So when the hard times do come, and they will again, I don’t have to go looking for Him, I can just hold tighter to the arms that I know are already around me. He’s already there, He’s always been there, but next time I want to already know that, because I’ve been just sitting in His lap on the top of the mountains, enjoying the view with the One who made it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Help Me Down the Aisle?

Ya’ll, I am in full-swing wedding planning mode. I am trying my best to get as much done as possible during the week so that my weekends are productive when I get the change to go home. This whole planning a wedding 3 hours away from your mom thing is not so easy! That’s why I’m enlisting any and all help from those caring to sound off from experience. A few questions:
·         Where did you get your invitations and programs? Did you make them yourselves or get them online? What’s the most cost-effective while still looking great?
·         I’m 99% sure we’ve picked a honeymoon location (The Excellence in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic!) but does anyone else have any great recommendations on deals with all-inclusive resorts?
·         We’re getting married in the winter at early evening, really preventing us from doing outside pictures after the ceremony. From those whose first moment to see each other was staring down the aisle and those who did a “first look,” what were the pros and cons? If we wait, we will have to do all of our pictures inside.
·         Toasting- what do we think of it? at the wedding? At rehearsal dinner? Both?
·         Registering- we’re currently working on Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Pottery Barn. Experiences, good and bad, from any or all?
·         Fun details- what’s worth my time to DIY? Any unique ideas I could incorporate into my theme?
·         Music- first dance, ceremony, etc. I am not a music person, and I am in serious need of some great music. I’m considering anything and everything!
I appreciate all of your help so much! Feel free to comment in the comments section or on Facebook. (I know sometimes Blogger is finicky). Looking forward to reading some responses!
-          RB