
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Because it's TRADITION!

Tradition may be one of the most manipulative words in the English vocabulary. Do you know what I mean? “But why do we all have to stand in a line by the same Christmas tree every year for a picture? They all look the same and no one ever uses them beyond that moment!” “Because- it’s TRADITION!”
It’s that time of year where the “tradition” card gets played on a much more frequent basis. Please note, this is not a post about me being a Scrooge. If you read further, you will find that I rather like tradition J
Christmastime at the Branch household is a hotbed of tradition examples. Some have changed and morphed into something new over the years, but the foundations of what Christmas looks like on Ashcroft seem to stay the same. Here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order:
1)      Christmas Eve Eve- This tradition started about ten years ago, and it’s grown into one of my favorites. The idea for Christmas Eve Eve began out of a conundrum- every year, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations switched off back and forth between both sides of the family, and that always left very little time for immediate family celebration. What to do? Celebrate Christmas Eve Eve, an eventful night that occasionally includes a trip through a rand-o neighborhood to marvel at their ever-decreasing Christmas lights and spirit, hot chocolate and coffee, dinner (preferably prepared by our personal chef known as Macaroni Grill) shared on “fancy” Christmasware, and time by the fire in the dead of 70 degrees Texas winter. “Allie and Raegan” presents are opened, and our sneak preview of Christmas begins. This tradition has morphed quite a bit from its humble beginnings. As boyfriends have joined the festivities over the years, their musical gifts exploited by well-meaning mothers and grandmothers, traditions have altered to fit our way of life. Games are usually played, tears of laughter are usually shed, and great times are most certainly always had. This celebration seems to grow every year as our “family” in Christ joins us in larger numbers with each passing year. It’s grown to be one of my favorite events of the holiday season, the inspired creation of my very hospitable mother.
2)      Duffie’s Christmas Breakfast- This is the Duffie’s much more elaborate, much more tradition-wrought event that has marked my calendar since the 6th grade. Mr. and Mrs. Duffie (or Claus?) gather one and all around their trademark breakfast one Saturday each December consisting of bacon, breakfast casserole, sweet rolls, fruits, hot chocolate, and whatever else Mama D decides to whip up. May I mention that all of these items are award-winning and anticipated once again for next year on the very afternoon they are consumed? Now that I am several years out of high school, this event is special, as members of my Faith family are generally gathered at this tradition and much catching-up is done.
3)      Christmas Eve Service- This one just always tickles me, and it is the epitome of Christmas tradition. Whether it be actors on stage posing in the signature shape of the painting “The Lord’s Supper” or Mrs. Patti reading the children their Christmas story on stage, Church at the Cross never fails in their consistency. Sure, there’s always a little something different- the arrangement of Christmas songs to be sung will always throw you for a loop (Silent Night or O Holy Night first? You can never guess), the candle-lighting is a certain mystery (paper wax-catchers or the fancy plastic cups? Who knows!), and the biggest suspense of all- which Gospel will the pastor read from? One in four wins! All kidding aside, each sweet memento of these Christmas Eve services make up the very things I love about my home church- tradition and consistency. My church back home is the essence of a family, and the people I am blessed to know at that church are the very reason I love my very traditional church. And for goodness sakes, Raegan, it’s Christmas! Christmas songs must be sang, candles must be lit, and the story of the birth of Christ is a must! Exactly- which is why it makes my list of favorite traditions.
4)      Christmas at the Grams’- This is what we call traditional Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It’s the bulk of our holiday season. Yes, we have grandfathers, but it’s very convenient that both of our grandmothers are named Gram. Every year, we switch off who we visit for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and every year, we forget whose turn is whose. That’s part of Thanksgiving tradition- everyone try to figure out who gets Christmas Day this year! Not that it matters all too much- my grandparents literally live around the corner from each other, and we see both of them on both days, and it’s time with family that everyone really wants. It’s the principle of the matter, of course. As a kid, these two days seemed to last two weeks. After presents were opened, the floor was found again under a volcano of wrapping paper and Barbie time could begin. Everyone got Barbies for Christmas- minus the boy cousin, Austin, of course. His job was to see how many Barbie’s heads he could pull off before we found out and burst out crying. Barbie time unfortunately and embarrassingly lasted well into junior high in our family- thankfully, Stephanie (oldest cousin) went to high school and we were all brought to the reality of our ridiculousness. I wouldn’t trade a second of it though. Once jammies were on and the second helping of lunch was brought out for dinner, everyone would gather round the television to see who won the debate this year- if it was the men, basketball would be on; if women, figure skating or cheesy Christmas movie.
5)      Skipping Contest- I debated putting this in the list simply for dignity’s sake, but it’s just too good to leave out. The legend of the skipping contest is shrouded in mystery, some believing it began even before the grandchildren’s time. What is it? A very simple, senseless event that begins with one family member asking, “When will we start the skipping?” *Editor’s note: Gram Henri (this is my mother’s side) and Pop have a somewhat circular house. We imagine a sort of “track” that winds from the living room around through the hall (that is walls on all sides) and empties back out into the other side of the living room. This is the location of the aforementioned skipping contest.* There is much debate from anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. Usually, the youngest in the room is chosen as the guinea pig who must begin the contest. They must skip from the living room, through the hallway (where no one is watching) and skip back out into the living room. Scores are then determined on form, believability, and excitement level. Volunteers are then taken for the next several rounds. At the end, there are still those that must be coerced into skipping on account that one does not get to sit back, judge, and laugh, and then decline participation. Inevitably, when aunts, uncles, and grandparents begin skipping, tears of laughter begin flowing. There’s something that happens to you when you round that corner into the hallway- no one’s watching, are you still going to skip? That’s where the believability factor comes in. if you aren’t about to pee your pants from laughing and if you don’t look like a little kid at a carnival when you round that corner, you didn’t skip in the hallway, and that’s crucial. That’s the crux of the skipping contest. Why we do this, no one knows. For boyfriends and girlfriends that have joined these Christmas celebrations over the years, the skipping contest has served as a sort of initiation into the family. It says, “Can you handle the weirdness of this family? More importantly, how can you not want to be a part of a family where part of earning your Christmas presents is a skip around the house?”
I hope you enjoyed a few of my family Christmas traditions. There are many more peculiarities about my family time I wish I could share, as I’m sure there are many more in your families as well that I wish I could know. All in all, I love traditions, because the more things change, the more some things stay the same. It’s part of the balance that holds life together, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Have a VERY Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why I Love Him

I feel that with how sweet Boyfriend is being by coming back to College Station with me just days before Christmas to keep me company, he certainly deserves a blog posting of his own. If you are reading this blog, you probably already know Clayton, or at the very least, know who he is. But since writing is one of the ways I show love and because he truly means the world to me, I want to tell you a little about him from my perspective and give you some insight into why I just think he’s great!
I don’t remember a place and time when Clayton and I first met. I’m sure it was probably some junior high math class, but at that time, basketball held my heart more firmly than any boy could. I know I probably appreciated his math skills as a junior high girl, amazed that he was so willing to help any student in the classroom even though he was all their junior. Beyond that, he was just the curly headed smart kid that sat quietly in the corner and made straight A’s. I was always a good student, but he was a great one.
In high school, Clayton and mine’s paths crossed a little more often as my interests turned more towards football and friendships. We were both on the track team together, and while intentional conversations were probably non-existent, we did spend a lot of time in the same tent with dozens of other sweaty and stinky teammates at meets. Our time together increased as his role as my math tutor became more prominent- my math skills reached their peak in 8th grade, and so his aid was all the more necessary as classes amplified in difficulty.  While I dated a good friend of his and started hanging out in his closer circle of friends, our friendship grew beyond the classroom and after school math sessions. I began to see Clayton as more of a friend, and his sweet temperament, unrivaled patience, and calm sense of confidence grew on me more and more. Finally, in my junior year, Clayton took me to homecoming. At the time, I sincerely thought it nothing more than a genuine gesture of friendship, and our time together that night was amiable, although I believe that he felt otherwise. For a period of time, our feelings for each other didn’t line up, but that’s ok, because all that matters is that they eventually did, and the roads we both walked down, albeit short and sweet, led us to the place we are now.
Football games with him were the BEST! 
The stars aligned my senior year and all was right in the world (ha). What began as giving this sweet, curly-headed friend a chance turned into the ride of my life with my best friend. While the road was rather rocky in that first year as both of us struggled to figure out what dating was really all about while trying to navigate life with new baby wings, I think we learned a lot along the way. That first year of college was a little rough as my time with him was much more limited than I was used to. However, I think it helped us a lot in still maintaining separate lives and really growing as individuals, something I would never take back. I see so many couples who didn’t get the blessing of going through that, and they played marriage all through college and severely missed out on so many of the God-sent blessings of friendships that Clayton and I both received. I realize that was nothing we did and all God’s great wisdom and greater purpose for us.
Surrounded by members of our Impact family!
These past two and a half years of sharing college life together really seems like a dream. I can’t even sum up in words the goodness that was written all over these years, especially this past one. God dropped a bucket of blessings on us through genuine and sincere friendships, both individually and together, mentors and role models, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, leadership positions, organizations full of godly people that pushed us to pursue Him more recklessly, a God-fearing church, and just through community in general. He built a family for us here in College Station, and even though I know life only gets better from here, I can’t possibly imagine a better life beyond knowing the incredible people I’ve been blessed to call friends. I focus on this so much because they truly helped grow Clayton and I into the man and woman God desires for us to be, and without their constant love and support and encouragement, we wouldn’t be who we are. Most importantly, I think our relationship is consistently affirmed through the mutual friendships we have because we get to spend time together and with the body at the same time as we have found circles of friends we both enjoy.
More wonderful friends-turned-family!
Clayton loves the Word of God and feeds on it like it is the very bread of life that it is. He loves God more than He loves me, and because of that, He loves me well. I’ve seen Clayton become sharpened as a man of God, and even in his growing, I see his humble acceptance of who he was created to be coupled with a desire to go even deeper still. Clayton challenges me to know God more as well, giving me encouragement, motivation, wisdom, and excitement to pursue Him wholeheartedly.
Clayton is my best friend. I love that about our relationship. I’m so thankful that it was built on friendship and an authentic care and respect for one another. There is so much honesty and clarity after more than 4 years, that of course was worked at and paid for, and trust is the cornerstone of this relationship. He is the biggest goober one moment and will wrap you up in the most empathetic hug the next. He has such patience with me, whether through tears and bloodshed during math class, or simply handling my sometimes abrasive nature and vicious rhetoric.
Clayton's high school graduation
My college graduation- we've come a long way in that time!
He loves people so well. We are always the last to leave any room or social gathering, because Clayton will not leave until every person there feels like a million bucks. This has probably been my favorite part about watching Clayton grow up. He has always had this heart of gold and relational mindset, but it has been so neat to see how college has challenged him and how he has opened up to so many people and truly blossomed into the hands and feet of Christ. Who would have ever thought that my often-shy math friend would transform into Mr. A&M?
I’m so proud of all that he is and all that he will be. Clayton is brilliant, if you haven’t already guessed by the relentless references to math. As a biomedical engineer in the making, Clayton could truly take any path after May 2012. The thing I love about him is that he is sold out to following the will of the Lord for his life. He has so many gifts and talents beyond the classroom that I have no doubt the Lord will use him in a mighty way, and Clayton is more than willing to lay those gifts right back at his maker’s feet. I’m excited to follow this boy one day because I can trust that he won’t chase money or esteem- He’ll chase Truth.
My best friend :)
I could go on and on and on. What I really want you to know is that I’m just tickled pink that I get to call this boy my boyfriend. I’m so proud of him, and I just wanted to love on him a little with my words and let him know how thankful I am for his presence in my life. It’s a relationship that has been tested and has consistently come out stronger through the flames, and with only 4 years behind us, I know there’s more of that to come. But I couldn’t choose a better friend to walk through this crazy life with than Clayton Scott Messinger.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Coffee and Chocolate

On a more simple note today, I am so thankful for coffee and chocolate.
Simple pleasures that the Lord gave us. I can fix almost any mood with coffee or chocolate. This is something that Clayton caught onto quickly and usually uses subtly to his advantage when my moods start turning south. Whether I’m sleepy, grumpy, anxious, frustrated, joyful, peaceful, sad, happy, or some crazy mixture in between, coffee and chocolate are my go to foods of choice.
Every morning this week, coffee has been there at the bottom of the elevator, preparing me for the cold blizzard outside, warming me from the inside out. After dinner, chocolate chip cookies or hot chocolate finished off my cravings with a hint of sweet to close the night out.
The best thing in the world? Mocha. Also, coffee and chocolate are both better the darker they are. The best cereal in the world is Special K Chocolatey Delight. Chocolate-covered coffee beans are also a win.

Monday, December 13, 2010

"As for me and my household..."

Joshua 24:15 “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
I haven’t told you nearly enough about my family yet. They are my rock, a blessing of faithfulness to the very core. They are some of the most wonderful people you’ll ever get the chance to meet (and I hope you do get that chance), each with their own individual personality. Can I tell you about them?
Mom: She’s a beaver through and through (if you don’t understand that reference, you probably didn’t go to Faith). She’s meticulous and well-planned, thoughtful and considerate, meticulous and hard-working. She’s a rule-follower, she sees everything black and white, she stands by her convictions, yet she loves with open arms. If you ever want something done right, take it to her, because she takes pride in her work like no one I’ve ever seen, and she’s taught me so much about integrity, honesty, work ethic, and doing your best unto the Lord.
She’s more than her job though, obviously. She’s hilarious in her very own special way. It’s a weekly event that her text messages crack me up and I show everyone around, and normally she has no idea why she was funny. Those people are the best kind- it’s just natural. She is so ever-devoted to her family, and that comes first in life. Her first concern above anything else is always our spiritual health, and because of that, the rest of the characteristics of the wife of noble character follow in suit. She would sacrifice anything for her family, and I’ve seen her do it again and again. Our relationship is so special because she has seen me through every stage of life thus far with patience, prayer, and laughter. My mother laughs so much, and when she does, it is absolutely contagious! I get my laugh from my mom, and I’m proud of it. She’s grown into more of a friend these days. Not that she’s not still very much my mom, but I so appreciate the way she’s let me grow up with grace, and because of that, I’ve very much wanted to seek her wisdom and advice on things. She’s beautiful, too, inside and out. Get to know my mom- she is one smart, funny, and very pleasant person to be around.
Dad: My dad- he’s a saint. I realize that more and more all the time. He’s not the most vocal person you’ll ever meet, because he’s busier living out his faith than just putting words to it. So when he does talk about what he believes and knows to be true, people absolutely listen because he backs it up with action. He’s dedicated and loyal to his family. Don’t ask me how he did it, but growing up, he very rarely ever missed a sporting event or school activity, despite the fact that he worked like crazy to provide for his family, often on very few hours of sleep. He’s a family man to the core, and the things he does to provide for his family, he does out of the joy of his heart; I know this, because I never hear him complain about it.
Also, he’s maybe the funniest person I know. Deeply sarcastic in the very best way, my dad can find humor in the day-to-day trivialities of life. He can bring the whole family belly-aching laughter with so very few words because he’s quick-witted and spot-on. Vacations with him and my family are the best because there’s never a dull moment. My dad taught me to love sports- that may seem simple-minded, but the mornings I spent riding to basketball practice at 6 in the morning, talks we’ve had over the sports page, or even making brackets for March Madness constitute some of the best memories I have of him. My dad always supported me in my athletic endeavors, never missing a beat, truly engaging in what I found joy in, and our relationship grew in those moments. I still love a good talk on Big 12 football and trying to no avail to beat him just once in bracket selections.
Allie- My little sister is better than yours. She is the best friend a girl could ask for! While Allie and I are different in almost every way, we make for two great puzzle pieces that fit together in all the right ways. Where Allie is a basket case, I come in with organization and order. Where I am uptight, Allie reminds me that small things are just that- small. However, we both have the silliness of 8 year old girls still in our hearts and I laugh the hardest with her. She’s cute as a button with a heart full of genuine love. Even though she is my little sister, I look up to her for so many things.
Allie deeply loves people. Her foremost care and concern on any day is the needs of others. Her social calendar is fuller than any freshmen I’ve ever met, and while some of that is definitely due in part to her awesome roommates (J) she has definitely put herself out there and gone the extra mile to make friends and serve others. She’s super easy to get along with, she’s fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and she brings joy and laughter to my life every day. She loves the Lord with all her heart and seeks Him above all else. Her spiritual wisdom is evident in the way she ministers to others and worships wholeheartedly.
I love this family with all my heart and feel blessed beyond anything I deserve with them. However, I know that to whom much is given, much is expected. My family is a prime example in my life of blessing in abundance, and I know that it is my responsibility to love others and invite them into the family of God as joy spills out and my cup overflows with His goodness. I could not be more thankful for the beautiful family God has given me!

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Pleasures Forevermore"

Psalm 16:11 “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

There is nothing in the world like a good, hearty laugh. When I really get to giggling, my whole body gets that “good hurt” feeling, tears are normally streaming down my face, and oftentimes the noises that come out of me are not very flattering. But I don’t mind, because when those good laughs come around, you can’t help but smile the rest of the day! I praise the Lord for laughter, it’s such good medicine, and such a funny and wonderful gift He gave us.
One of the things I’ve been learning heavily this year has been that God made us to experience joy. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” The thing that has hit me anew this year is what satisfaction really means in the Lord. So often, I thought satisfaction meant just being “ok” with what the Lord has given me, like no matter the circumstances, if I could just find satisfaction in God by hanging on by a thread, He was glorified. As long as I put on a good face and really just give all credit to the Lord in any and every situation, He was happy with me. But only half of that is true. Absolutely, when we turn around and give glory back to the Lord and praise Him through everything, He receives glory. But He doesn’t just desire for us to hang on by a thread either. He wants us to experience the fullness of His joy, truly He wants us to experience the pleasures that are at His right hand. He created the pleasures of this world FOR us, that we would delight in who God is, that He is a loving and caring God who wants us to enjoy good things. That’s the other half to being satisfied in Him.
I began to realize that when I laugh with my friends and enjoy life together, we give each other joy that is from God alone, and He gets glory out of that. When I admire His handiwork, when I notice the beauty of His creation, when I sing to Him, when I spend sweet time with family and friends, when I enjoy serving my customers, when I read His Word, when I talk about His goodness…I’m drawing from His never-ending well of joy and glorifying Him by tasting and seeing that the Lord is indeed GOOD! He is such a good, good God, and when we try so hard to look for ways to be satisfied in Him, I imagine He just thinks, “stop trying and just look around at the entire universe of joy I gave you!”
Laughter is one of my favorite things the Lord gave us, because it just shows His extravagant love for us. Why laughter? Have you ever thought about why we laugh? When we laugh, we literally feel good all over; it’s designed for that. God gave us all kinds of feel-good pleasures, and when you think about it, He didn’t have to give us any of those, it was truly out of the goodness of His heart! He so wants us to experience His joy that He commands it over and over in Scripture! What a good God- His commands are that we just love Him by loving the life He gave us! Nothing He commands is for our harm.
It’s Friday, and that means a weekend of friends and fun is ahead. I hope you have an opportunity to laugh your little head off this weekend.
Proverbs 31:25 “…and she laughs at the days to come.”

Friday, December 3, 2010

"The Lord will fulfill His purposes for me..."

Psalm 138:8

As I finished up packing parts of my office up for the travelling that will ensue these next two weeks, I couldn’t help but think of how thankful I am for my job this holiday season. As I’ve told you earlier of how the Lord truly led me to this job, at this time, and in this place, I’m really thankful that He gave me a job that not only provides, but that I also enjoy. Knowing full well the state of the economy at graduation and the fact that I had virtually nothing to offer an employer besides a young mind and a bachelor’s degree, I consider it nothing short of a miracle that I found employment right where I want to be doing exactly what I had no idea I wanted to do.
On top of the fact that I’m surrounded by intelligent, sweet, and hard-working people in my office, I get the opportunity to travel several times a year with the rest of the camp department. This coming week’s trip will be to Asheville, NC, for a trade show for Christian camps. I’ll get to represent the company and meet my customer’s for the once-a-year face time I’ll get with them. I’m looking forward to seeing a new part of the country and getting to experience and learn about what my customers do for a living!
The following week, I’ll be packing my bags for Pennsylvania, as a co-worker and I will be travelling through the backwoods up north. I’ll be her “assistant” for lack of a better word as she meets with her customers, while I help make things easier for her and take note of how she does her job. I’m so looking forward to seeing snow during the holidays and being up north! Never did I think while looking for a job that I would be blessed with these opportunities of travel!
One of the other perks that I didn’t share earlier is the opportunity I will have in the future to work from home. I think when my boss said those words in my interview after I was already sold on everything else about the job, my heart soared. Knowing that I can pick up and take my job wherever the Lord leads me in the near future was such an encouragement and an affirmation that this job is right where the Lord has me. One of my hugest frustrations in looking for a job in College Station was that I didn’t’ know if I was supposed to be here, or for how long. I worried that I’d find a job and sign a lease, only to find out that I hate it, or I don’t feel called to College Station, or something would happen where I’d feel stuck or trapped. It was like icing on the cake to hear that my job is portable. I think it’s nice that that pressure was taken off of my decision, and Clayton can 100% focus on his career plans and feel confident and assured in wherever the Lord leads him. I love that the Lord took care of my “Martha heart” by giving me a job that allows me to take my mind off the future and truly enjoy the present!
I love what I do. I couldn’t be happier with a just-out-of-college career. And I think that’s something else I love about it- it’s truly a career. The one thing I didn’t want was a job. Jobs come and go, there’s no real goals to meet or expectations to exceed. There’s nothing to shoot for in a job, because normally it’s a gateway to your next step in life, and it has a real beginning and end in mind. It stifles creativity and drive and can suck the life out of you. I’m thankful for a career I can push myself in, grow into, and really blossom and succeed in. I’m thankful for co-workers and employers who are quickly becoming friends.
I’m thankful for the opportunity and blessing to begin to provide for myself, to take on new responsibilities, and to mature as I enter adulthood. I’m thankful for the lessons I’m learning about budgeting and bills and how to save for my future and the things I want most in life. I’m thankful that I can begin now to pay off student debt while my cost of living is so cheap. I’m thankful for new opportunities to bless people financially and serve in a new way. I’m thankful for the mission field of an office, and the fact that I get to work with both brothers and sisters in Christ as well as those other precious people I have a chance to reach out to and show love.
It’s not always easy to be so thankful for a place I spend 8 hours a day at, sitting in front of a computer writing emails and answering phone calls. It’s not always easy to be at work every morning at 8am, when everything in my 21 year old body screams that it is not yet ready for adult hours. I’m reminded every day by my college roommates that I don’t get to wake up and decide to skip like they can, or go out on midnight rendezvous, or participate in on-campus organizations that have defined my life these past few years. Every now and then, that gets hard, but for the most part, I’m truly grateful that I get to transition into this next phase of life slowly, still surrounded by friends. I only have to be an adult during the day. When I go home, I get to play again, and it’s nice to not have the looming deadlines of test dates and studying looming over my head. Overall, I think adult life will be pretty fun, but I must admit I’m ready for the rest of my college friends to join me here!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

12 Days of Blogging

I haven’t blogged in a while and let me tell you why: I flat out didn’t have anything interesting to blog about. Nothing profound/interesting/funny/thought-provoking. The ideas I did have weren’t being followed with creative juices. And I’ve been a lot busier since that last blog post.
But now, I am proud to announce that my blogging juices are flowing again and creative thoughts have been rejuvenated. Between now and Christmas, I want to share with you 12 things in my life that I am truly grateful for, things the Lord has blessed me with, so that I can share with you who God is in my life and what He is doing. Some will be more light-hearted than others, but I figured it was in the spirit of the season and would keep my mind focused on the true purpose and meaning of Christmas- that Christ came to this earth to bring hope to every man. I have such a great hope and confidence in my Jesus, and I just want you to rejoice with me!

Looking forward to it. Please feel free to comment and post what the Lord is doing in your life over these holidays and throughout this past year!