This weekend marks the beginning of another “semester” for me as I prepare with dozens of other student leaders at Grace Bible Church for fall Growth Groups. Last year, I led a group of college girls in my living room every Wednesday night, and I even shared with you tidbits of what those nights looked like as we explored the book of Colossians.
I am so excited about our study this fall over Ruth. I’m glad that we will get to dig into some Old Testament narrative and do an in-depth study over a part of the Bible that requires much more inductive reasoning than the immediately-applicable New Testament. And I am excited that I, a young woman about to enter into marriage, get to tackle this unique text about Ruth and Boaz. SO excited about all of the conversations that we will get to have, specifically as women in the 21st century.
On that note, I will be leading Ruth on Thursday nights this year instead of Wednesdays. I truly hope that doesn’t disrupt any of the plans of the girls who joined me last year, but I am looking forward to living life with these girlfriends, both old and new.
If you are reading this and you have been looking for community in Bryan-College Station, please email me! I’d love to tell you more about this study and my heart behind these groups. Looking forward to our first meeting come September! I am getting the “back to school” buzz myself, just anticipating all that the Lord has for this fall for girls in every season of life!
This sounds great :) Enjoy!