
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hi, How Are Ya?

It’s been a decent amount of time since I’ve updated on my life and what all I’ve been doing lately. You’ve gotten the bits and pieces, but I guess not the whole shebang. So, want it or not, I feel like writing, so here goes…
It’s been a good April. It’s been a fast April, faster even than March, which was absolutely mind-blowingly fast. I don’t know exactly what contributed to it; maybe it was getting to relax and enjoy my time with family and friends, so wonderful that when I finally looked up it was already the last week. Maybe it’s the fact that the sun has decided to show up and I can finally wear one layer of clothing without freezing my bunsies off. Either way, I enjoyed April for no other reason than simply because it was sweet.
I got to see two of my absolute besties last weekend- Hope and Caitlin. I wasn’t expecting to get to see them, so it really made my whole weekend on top of the already fantastic weekend that it was going to be with family, Easter, shopping, tanning, and beautifying. Seeing them really was the icing on the cake.
While everyone around me is gearing up for finals and the end of the semester crunch, my life has started to slow down (in a sense). I’m finally in a stable environment again, my feet have stayed on the ground, and while work itself has picked up, my life on the whole has been pretty uneventful-but in a good way.
In the bad news realm- I found out that after 21 and a half years of cavity free teeth, I now have not one, not two, but THREE cavities. Boo to that. Filling them will commence at 8am on Thursday. However, after going through two traumatic appointments in the past where my gums were literally cut in half while I was fully awake after the wisdom teeth surgeon left a few pieces of tooth back there, my mouth can conquer the world.
On the good news front- as mentioned before, we DID sign a lease on a house- praise to Jesus! That was much needed. Stress levels have decreased significantly and the plans that I like to have are slowly but surely coming together. As always, Jesus is good, and He likes burgundy-ish carpet. I’m excited about this next year with Allie, Martha, and Shayla- sweet girls I am so blessed to get to live with.
I’ve been trying all month to block out the fact that Haylee (and the rest of the class of 2011) will be leaving Aggieland after this semester and I will not be. That is proving more difficult than first anticipated. Haylee may not know, but I am praying with all my little heart that God sends her yellow brick road straight to Dallas forever- I need my girlfriend to be my 2-lb weight walking and tanning buddy, my life is counting on it.
Unexpected joy of the working world- it requires clothes! Silly, obvious observation, but when you look at it the right way, it is a very wonderful necessity. I love that my work does not require business professional clothing, mostly because when I go shopping, I get to pick out clothes that not only work for work, but also nights and weekends. Yay for multi-tasking and making my closet a better place! Not only have I loved the shopping, I’ve loved the challenge of remixing outfits and finding my own style by shopping my closet- I’ve never felt more feminine! I look forward to getting dressed in the morning, challenging myself to never wear the same thing the same way twice. So far, successful since November. Hey, whatever it takes to make my morning better, right?
Royal wedding mania has taken over all of my affections, I am unashamed to say. There are approximately 2468432156 different “specials” on this week, and my Tivo is on overload trying to contain them all. So is my brain- I am currently a royal family expert, in case you have any questions. If you make it onto Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, don’t hesitate in making me your British phone-a-friend lifeline- I will not disappoint. I am still debating how insane I would be if I woke up at 4:00am to watch everything go down. I’m just not sure I can wait- I feel that I need to be there in the moment! I may even drink tea, make scones for breakfast, and dress in my royal-wedding- best for the occasion. Please don’t judge- those who understand, you are welcome to join.
Life is good, my friends. Big things are on the horizon. Good things come to those who wait- even those who sometimes aren’t the happiest waiters. Waiting isn’t over by any means- I still have much more of the same old-same old for quite some time, but new things like summer and tan skin, friends having more free time, and the fruits of my labor making their way into my bank account are all good things.
It’s been a good winter in many regards, but May sounds great to me- I have a really good feeling about this May.

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