If you haven’t already heard the fateful news, the Dexter Darlings of 1009 are no longer, well, Dexter. As of July 2011, not only will our dearest Allison and Haylee be leaving us, but we’ll all take that final step out together. I imagine that moment in my head will look something like the final episode of Season 10 of Friends- an episode that no matter how many times I watch, I still tear up at. Symbolic. Monumental. End of an era.
I’m not sure if three years of your life can be considered an era, but in my short 21 years, I’d say it counts for something. So many memories have been made in that house, and what has to this point constituted the greatest growing, stretching, and learning phase thus far. I’ll miss those internal brick walls, the awkward protruding fireplace, the green laminate countertops and floor in the kitchen, even the erroneous cabinet space above the bar that so many have injured themselves on (Paige?).
My house has been, without a doubt, one of the biggest blessings of my time in College Station. It’s been more than a place to keep my junk and lay my head at night- its been a haven, a steadfast anchor throughout the ups and downs. What I love most is that it has not only been a refuge for myself and my roommates, but in many ways, it has served that purpose for countless others. While some may find the rather boisterous personality of the Dexter house to be a little overwhelming, what with the never-ending flow of people in and out at all hours, I find it to be the community and family I have always dreamed about.
In my three year span on Dexter, the house has served as home to two Impact co-chairs, three Impact prayer teamers, one Impact exec member, two Phi Lamb committee heads, one Phi Lamb officer, four Phi Lamb covenant group leaders, one Bible study leader, and a whole vast array of various organization leaders. The house has averaged over the years anywhere from 3-8 meetings per week, with a flow of about 30-70 people coming in and out of those doors for meetings alone. Chaos? Sometimes. Joyful? Mostly. Blessed? Beyond measure.
I love the revolving door of community I’ve been blessed to be a part of. I believe there is one reason alone that I have been given this gift of a hospitable home- I prayed for it. Not a passive, whimsical prayer offered up as a one-time prayer request in small group, but a sincere and relentless request that God would give me a safe place, both physically and emotionally, with people I genuinely loved to do life with. In return, I promised the Lord that I would give that house up as an offering to Him, that I would put the gift of hospitality into practice in our home. My house is part of my ministry, as it is for my roommates. Our open door policy has always been a foundational staple to how we function, and because we know that our house is an undeserved gift and our community a very real blessing, it has always been out of the overflow of our hearts that we have offered up our home to everyone to share life with us.
No doubt, we will be living it up this last semester together, and you are, as always, encouraged to join. I know that it’s not the walls that make the home, but for us, these have been very special walls. As we look for a new dwelling place for next year, changes are sure to come, but one thing I can promise will never change- our heart is for people, our love language is hospitality, and you can always find good conversation and dessert with the Dexter girls regardless of the name on the street sign.
Hi Raegan - My mom (Lisa Whiting) pointed me to your blogpost about Dexter. It was so wonderful to read about how you loved and lived well there. And know that your prayers have been echoed by past tenants, myself especially, that it would be a gathering place, a refuge in the midst of a chaotic world. I'm so thankful to see that you deisre to continue to do that. I've been in DC for five years, making and living in a home very much as you described and it has been the most powerful testimony to a lost world, an encouragement to those discouraged, even those of us who are living in the house, a place to share laughter and rejoice. I'm excited for you too, because I have no doubt that God has found you and your roommates faithful, and He's got something more for you to care for and be faithful in. Anyway. Sorry to be a bit of a creeper, but I was greatly encouraged to hear what Dexter continues to be. It's a legacy that we can all pray continues.