
Friday, March 4, 2011

Under the Weather

This past week wasn’t my easiest or best, hence the absence of blogging, but nonetheless, it is Friday, and I’ll once again reminisce on the week that was…

As a non-student living in College Station at the ripe age of 21, most hours not spent behind a desk feel just like college- and trust me, I couldn’t be happier about that. But sometimes, inevitably, there are nights when there is absolutely NOTHING to do because, as a non-student, you are not part of any on-campus organization that sucks the life out of your friends (interesting how perspective changes once you’re not in it J). Friday was one of those nights where just about every living soul I know in this city was at a retreat. So what did I do? Well I watched about 4 sitcoms, 2 crime shows, and chatted the night up with my good friend, Kyle. Can’t say I lost out, what with the 10 hours of sleep I got in my own bed and the quiet calm of my own house while my friends slumbered on hard floors for 2 hours.
 As I was very refreshed, I got up Saturday to work out and finish laundry before the parents came in town for the day. It was so wonderful to see them! We ate at Newk’s, the new deli in town, and spent most of the afternoon talking, laughing, and driving around town looking for a new house to rent. Then of course it was time for food again- Carino’s was our meal of choice! We had a weekly fishbowl game planned, and since my parents love fishbowl, they wanted to play, too. It was fun having them meet the people that are in my life every day, but I must say, it might have been a little overwhelming. Our crew grew to about 25-30 in the living room at one point, and the rowdy gang made it a little difficult to play. Nonetheless, a very fun evening!
I was blessed to spend time with my family once again as we attended church together and I got to show them where I worship. After church, we went to McAllister’s, and then I packed to head out of town once again! With all the car switching that had to go on with Allie looking for a new car and trying to sell hers back home, it just made sense for me to drive back with my parents and fly out of DFW. So I got some extra time with my mom and dad and relaxed in the comfort of my own home!
Daddy took me to the airport very early to fly out to Pittsburg. Funny thing about me and airports- apparently I look like a terrorist. I never fail to get the full body scan and INVASIVE pat down- I am always singled out! This early morning’s was particularly intrusive- I mean, really, there’s honestly not a way in the world I could hide anything in certain places…Made it into Pittsburg early enough, so Merinda and I enjoyed  an afternoon workout, a trip to Panera and Olive Garden, and I even got to enjoy some Bachelor in the evening! Emily FTW!
That’s when this week went downhill fast. I woke up in the middle of the night with a version of the same stomach flu my mother had come down with the day before. Things weren’t pretty for the rest of the day. For some reason, I tried to be strong and believe that I’d feel better by the end of the day, so I hit the road for the tradeshow with Merinda. Bad idea. I spent about 8 hours laying in the backseat of the car in pain. Alka-seltzer was my hero that night.
Never have I been happier to wake up at 4:30am to get on a flight- after Tuesday, all I wanted was Texas, especially considering that I sort of forgot that it is still winter in Pittsburg. I slept that whole plane ride and only woke when the plane hit the ground- needless to say, I could have sworn we had crashed. *One of my favorite Onion News Headlines- “Pilots admit that 98% of all landings just barely pulled off”- I believe it* Since I gained an hour, I got to Dallas at 9:00am, but it felt like 5pm at least. I still had to drive back to College Station, but the beautiful day lifted my mood! I got to spend time with a few Bible Study girls, and we enjoyed sweet fellowship. After that, I was lights out!
My body was all off. 6:30am suddenly felt like the most natural time in the world to wake up, so Thursday’s work day, although plagued once again by a second round of the stomach bug (a much nicer one, though), was pretty decent. Very productive work day after a few days out of the office. Although I was still a little under the weather, I was so happy to get to spend a relaxing night with my man. They seem to be few and far between these days, but they are very precious to me. We spent at least an hour at Chik-fil-a (or Chicken Church as I now refer to it, thanks Jon Acuff) supporting Omega Simeon and seeing wonderful friends, and the rest was spent talking and watching Criminal Minds. Typical Thursday that I couldn’t do without.
Looking forward to a truly relaxing weekend with friends and a date night with Clayton tonight! I’m really going to cherish this weekend and week to come as the next three weeks are going to be jam-packed with travel and work without weekends- the final climax of show season! Get ready!

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