She’s everyone’s favorite Ginger. She has a personality the size of Texas, which means she’s kind of a big deal in little Norman, OK, with her dear Sooners. When you first meet Haley, you instantly want to be her friend- she has that factor about her. I don’t know if it’s her super-Southern accent or her quick-witted sarcasm that first grabs you, but you can’t leave her presence without thinking, “That girl just sounds like a good time.” She’s that girl you call at 3 in the morning whether your heart is broken or you just heard the funniest thing ever and you have to share it with someone- she’s that girl that will listen no matter what. She’s the one you call when spontaneity strikes and you need a partner in crime, yet she’s also the one you call to go on a long walk to share a heart-to-heart. She’s just a really fun, caring friend with a big heart, sweet little red-headed freckles…and a smokin’ bod that makes you feel like a second class citizen around anyone of the male species. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Haley Diorio.
How I met Haley: Haley and I didn’t meet until our junior year of high school, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at our friends. She came to Faith in 2005 from a local public school, and it was truly as if she was the missing piece in our lives. We met in an SAT-prep class at school. I saw her across the room, a sweet little redhead all alone in this strange private school atmosphere where she must have inevitably felt like a fish out of water. I had the strange feeling that I knew her somehow, so I went over and introduced myself. Turns out we were past basketball opponents, bitter rivals in the Grapevine Rec League- 10 and under division. Ok, maybe it wasn’t that intense, but who could forget Haley’s memorable goldie-locks and mad skill? It was instant friendship nonetheless. She was at my birthday party a week later, stealing the show.
My first memory of Haley: Well, meeting Haley in that prep class was my first memory. Let me just reminisce further on that blissful morn and embarrass her for a quick second. Haley opened up quickly with me (we just had that BFF chemistry right from the start) and she let me in on a little developing crush she had on one of the junior class twins. Well, as much as I’m sure she wanted my approval and ever-listening ear, my heart became very conflicted. Another very good friend had a history with this twin! How could this be? What would I ever do? How on earth, in a class of 54, could two people like the SAME person? Shocking, I know. That’s just another little taste of Faith for you. There’s just more drama because there’s less people, and even less boys, and even less football players. It’s bound to get ugly. Luckily, I never had to be in the middle of it, and it died out, as did most of our high school flames. But what would my high school reminiscence be without a little boy gossip? Thanks for being my guinea pig, Hales.
Highlights of our Glory Years: Without a doubt, Haley and I experienced our greatest high school moments together on that concrete oval out back. Haley was my track running buddy, and our best-friendship truly blossomed and grew out of pain and torture. I feel as though I could write a whole post on those track season days; they really are such fond memories. The best, though, was when Haley and I got to run together on the 4X200 relay team. Handing the baton off to her was like perfect chemistry, we might as well have been moving the baton from one of our own hands to another, it was just so natural! We laughed until we cried and cried until we laughed on multiple occasions. Doing life together and with our ragamuffin crew of teammates was like having a second, big family in the spring. So many great memories on and off the track resulted from countless hours spent together. Through victory and defeat, grueling practices and shin splints, 6 hour bus rides and 12 hour meets, our bond grew stronger- how could it not have? We left our hearts on that track every week, and when you get the rare opportunity to participate in something like that with your best friend, you hold on to those memories tightly.
Who she was then: Haley may have come into “the bubble” later, but that didn’t stop everyone from wanting to be her friend. Luckily, we got her- and I couldn’t be more thankful. She brought spunk and energy to our little group of friends, specifically for me- she was my one friend that participated in my passions with me through athletics. While Haley was a speed demon on the track, she may have been an even greater pitcher. While I didn’t personally get to experience her glory days on the mound with her, I loved to watch her play- she loved softball (and she had to be the prettiest, cutest little softball player you’ve ever seen!). You could find her most days of her senior year either sneaking off for a donut run with her friends (oh, the days when we didn’t have to think about what that was doing to our bodies!) or out on the practice field. And because all of my girls were absolute rock stars, Haley was no exception- meet my prom queen friend. I told you everyone instantly loved her!
Who she is now: Haley’s always been her own woman, and she certainly still marches to the beat of her own drum up in Oklahoma. Having rocked her way through her undergrad and first year of nursing school, Haley is currently finishing up her last year, and knowing her, she’s undoubtedly at the top of her class. No fecal matter or projectile vomiting will keep her from her dreams (which says so much, because she used to be terrified of both). When she sets her mind to something, you best not get in her way- she will accomplish it. She’s a fiercely independent woman, yet she still holds her girlish heart wide open. I love the way she balances that. She’s honest, forthright, and unashamed of who she is- she’s proud of her accomplishments, yet comfortable in admitting where she falls short. Those lacking that confidence may find her beauty and success intimidating- I find her to be a stunningly gorgeous, hard-working, absolutely hilarious young woman who’s definitely going places in life.
Who would play her if my made-up book hit the big screens: Let’s be real- beautiful red-heads aren’t exactly a dime a dozen, which is what makes finding one so intriguing. Putting Lindsay Lohan’s appalling behavior aside, she used to be a pretty redhead. I’d say Haley would fall somewhere in the vast abyss between Lindsay and Debra Messing.
I have truly savored the sweet summertime with Haley these past few years, whether we were working at the Roadhouse, laying out by the pool, or hitting the gym together. I’m going to certainly miss that time as we enter adulthood, but I have no doubt that our sweet friendship will endure. Haley’s a faithful friend, and it doesn’t matter how long we go without talking because I know we can always pick up right where we left off. I don’t know what the future holds for Miss Hales as she’s quite the adventurer and risk-taker. As long as she continues to be the faithful friend and lover of people that she is and remain rooted in the Truth, she’ll find favor wherever she goes. She has such perseverance, and I have no doubt in her. In the meantime, I can’t seem to find a friend like Haley, and I just get jealous of those that get the real thing in OK! I’ll certainly savor the fleeting moments we’ll get as life moves on, knowing that I have a true friend in Haley.
Pictures of Haley
Miss you!
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