Ah, the blog I promised. Why has it taken me so long to get it started? Well, several reasons. One, writing is something I have always LOVED to do, but have not done near enough of in the past year, and quite honestly, I wasn’t sure if I was good at it anymore. And maybe good isn’t even the right word, because that’s totally debatable. Two, if I was going to do a blog, I wanted to do it right. I’ve debated in my head for months lately trying to decide what I would share with the world if I could (or maybe just the few random people that were bored enough to read it, on a less dramatic scale). Three, because I just haven’t seen the time lately. With a new job and a whole new schedule for my body to get used to, it’s taken some time for me to adjust. And now that I have, I think I may have more time than ever before, really. Praise Jesus!
So what is this blog about, you ask? Well, it’s not nearly as novel as I had hoped it would be as I searched my brain for something truly unique. Nope, turns out I’m a pretty simple girl and I like simple things. My blog will not look much different than the millions of other narcissistic blogs out there, only I hope I won’t be too vain. Really, my best writing comes out when I write about things I’m passionate about- whose wouldn’t? What am I passionate about? Most importantly, it’s unashamedly my Jesus. You will hear me talk about Him most because, well, He’s my everything, and I hope I convey that well. Second, it’s the people the Lord has put into my life. My loving and ever-devoted family, my sweet, sweet friends both in College Station and around the nation, (and WORLD, Allison!), and the new friends the Lord has brought into my life are easily the biggest blessings around me. That’s what you need to know about me. Anything else that pops up on this blog is just the simple blessings the Lord throws in for fun, because He’s a loving God and He wants me to see Him in everything. I get to revel in His beauty and joy when He gives me sweet gifts, and He gets glory in that. I’m all about that.
I won’t write everyday- I don’t have that kind of time. You wouldn’t read every day either, so I’m not worried. You may never read again, but that’s ok, I love to put my heart on paper (or Microsoft Word, either way). It organizes my thoughts and brings me perspective even as I do it. But I hope you’ll tune in, if only for a chance to worship with me as I live this life. This life is not always easy, but as I’ve found in the past, writing always helps my heart to worship in every season, and I hope you’ll do that with me. I won’t always be serious, I may never be funny unfortunately, but I hope your heart smiles every time you come!
Thanks for sharing life with me, friend.
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